~ Specializing in Equine Infrared Imaging ~ |

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Bucking bulls are asked to do things that are not natural for them, but they do. The amount of athleticism they posses is almost unimaginable and they perform time and time again for us. But not without cost. |
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Soreness and injuries are an element to this sport that shows up in almost every animal at some point. Unfortunately from a diagnostic standpoint these are some of the toughest animals on the planet, so the only time it can show up is in their performance. Most owners know when there is a problem, but pinpointing where is an issue. Typical practices such as x-rays are hard to do on these animals, and costly. |
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With Thermal Imaging, we can get an idea on where the issue is and what it could be. It's easy to do from their pen, alley or even lead ups to the bucking chutes. |
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Thermal imaging can show us signs of muscle soreness, abscesses, horn infections, stifle and hock damage, trauma, and a variety of other issues. |
Keep in mind this is not an x-ray; it is a tool to see where the body is producing the most heat and to determine where an issue is and what COULD be causing it. |
How to set up an appointment |
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At Events: At any event I'm at I will be available to take thermal images. The facility will determine how thorough of images that can be taken. Most hock, foot and leg images will have to be taken in an alley or chute. Some images can be taken in lead ups prior to the event if needed. |
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Ranch Calls: Call me to set up a date. Can do as many bulls as needed. Again, an alley or chute will be needed to get the best leg, foot and hock images. Some foot images will need to be done in a chute that can turn them over for most accurate results. |
When to use thermal imaging on bucking cattle |
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Beginning of the year to determine overall health and where any soreness maybe present. |
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After an unusual performance. If a bull doesn't buck up to usual standards, a quick thermal image can determine if it was due to soreness or an injury. |
At any sign of lameness. It's not as easy to determine why a bull is lame as it is to actually see the lameness. Thermal imaging can show if it's a shoulder issue, in the foot, hock, etc, so you have the best idea on how to doctor it. |
Signs of horn infection. Infection radiates a lot of heat, so if you think one may have a horn infection, a thermal image can confirm. |
Pricing |
Ranch Calls are $200.00 per head. Deals available for 3 or more animals. All pricing includes detailed reports and copies of all images. |
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For rates and more information about Thermal Imaging Canada services,
please email us at or call at 306-361-1163
Technicians: Carolyn Kemps & Megan Kemps
Thermal Imaging Canada is available by appointment at events, ranch calls and in-house appointments.